Smoothed bond-angle descriptor


See Bond-angle descriptor first.


This is a smooth version of the Bond-angle descriptor in which the bond angles \(\theta_{jik}\) are multiplied by a weighting function \(f(r_{ij}, r_{ik})\) that depends on the radial distances \(r_{ij}\) and \(r_{ik}\) between \((i,j)\) and \((i,k)\) respectively, where \(j\) and \(k\) can be any particle in the system (i.e. not necessarily a nearest neighbors of \(i\)).

Essentially, we define the smoothed number of bond angles around particle \(i\) as

\[\begin{split}N_i^S(\theta_n) = \sum_{j=1}^N \sum_{\substack{k=1 \\ k \neq j}}^N f(r_{ij}, r_{ik}) \delta(\theta_n - \theta_{jik}) ,\end{split}\]

where the superscript \(S\) indicates the smooth nature of the descriptor, and \(f(r_{ij}, r_{ik})\) is the following smoothing function:

\[f(r_{ij}, r_{ik}) = \exp \left[ - \left[ ( r_{ij} / r_{\alpha\beta}^c )^\gamma + ( r_{ik} / r_{\alpha\beta'}^c )^\gamma \right] \right] H( R_\mathrm{max}^c - r_{ij} ) H( R_\mathrm{max}^c - r_{ik}) ,\]


  • \(r_{\alpha\beta}^c\) and \(r_{\alpha\beta'}^c\) are the first minima of the corresponding partial radial distribution functions for the pairs \((i,j)\) and \((i,k)\).

  • \(\gamma\) is an integer.

  • \(R_\mathrm{max}^c = \xi \times \max(\{ r_{\alpha\beta}^c \})\) is the largest nearest neighbor cutoff rescaled by \(\xi > 1\).

  • \(H\) is the Heavide step function, which ensures for efficiency reasons, that the descriptor only has contributions from particles within a distance \(R_\mathrm{max}^c\).

We then consider \(N_i^S(\theta_n)\) for a set of angles \(\{ \theta_n \}\) that go from \(\theta_0 = 0^\circ\) to \(\theta_{n_\mathrm{max}}=180^\circ\) by steps of \(\Delta \theta\). The resulting feature vector for particle \(i\) is given by

\[X^\mathrm{SBA}(i) = (\: N_i^S(\theta_0) \;\; N_i^S(\theta_1) \;\; \dots \;\; N_i^S(\theta_{n_\mathrm{max}}) \:) .\]


Instantiating this descriptor on a Trajectory can be done as follows:

from partycls import Trajectory
from partycls.descriptors import SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor

traj = Trajectory("")
D = SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor(traj)

The constructor takes the following parameters:

SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor.__init__(trajectory, dtheta=3.0, cutoff_enlargement=1.3, exponent=8, accept_nans=True, verbose=False)[source]
  • trajectory (Trajectory) – Trajectory on which the structural descriptor will be computed.

  • dtheta (float) – Bin width \(\Delta \theta\) in degrees.

  • cutoff_enlargement (float, default: 1.3) – Scaling factor \(\xi\) for the largest nearest neighbors cutoff \(\max(\{ r_\mathrm{\alpha\beta}^c \})\) to consider neighbors \(j\) a distance \(R_\mathrm{max}^c = \xi \times \max(\{r_{\alpha\beta}^c\})\) away from the central particle \(i\).

  • exponent (int, default: 8) – Exponent \(\gamma\) in the smoothing function \(f(r_{ij},r_{ik})\).

  • accept_nans (bool, default: True) – If False, discard any row from the array of features that contains a NaN element. If True, keep NaN elements in the array of features.

  • verbose (bool, default: False) – Show progress information and warnings about the computation of the descriptor when verbose is True, and remain silent when verbose is False.


The computation of this descriptor relies on:

  • Nearest neighbors cutoffs. These can either be set in the Trajectory prior to the computation of the descriptor, or computed from inside the descriptor using a default method.


We consider an input trajectory file in XYZ format that contains two particle types "A" and "B". We can either compute or set the nearest neighbors cutoffs \(\{ r_{\alpha\beta}^c \}\) for the smoothing directly in Trajectory:

from partycls import Trajectory

# open the trajectory
traj = Trajectory("")

# compute the nearest neighbors cutoffs
print("computed cuttofs\n", traj.nearest_neighbors_cutoffs)

# set the nearest neighbors cuttofs
traj.nearest_neighbors_cutoffs = [1.45, 1.35, 1.35, 1.25]
print("manually set cuttofs\n", traj.nearest_neighbors_cutoffs)
computed cutoffs:
 [1.4500000000000004, 1.3500000000000003, 1.3500000000000003, 1.2500000000000002]
manually set cutoffs:
 [1.45, 1.35, 1.35, 1.25]


If not computed in Trajectory or manually set, the cutoffs \(\{ r_{\alpha\beta}^c \}\) will be computed from inside the descriptor.

We now instantiate a SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor on this trajectory and restrict the analysis to type-B particles only. We set \(\Delta \theta = 18^\circ\), \(\xi=1.3\) and \(\gamma=8\):

from partycls.descriptors import SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor

# instantiation
D = SmoothedBondAngleDescriptor(traj,

# print the grid of angles (in degrees)
print("grid:\n", D.grid)

# restrict the analysis to type-B particles
D.add_filter("species == 'B'", group=0)

# compute the descriptor's data matrix
X = D.compute()

# print the first three feature vectors
print("feature vectors:\n", X[0:3])
 [  9.  27.  45.  63.  81.  99. 117. 135. 153. 171.]
feature vectors:
 [[ 0.          0.24735055  5.1652519  29.43498845 10.5325834  14.99235213
  19.81940987 10.74915154  5.74995792  3.83545611]
  [ 0.          0.16020613  4.79852719 35.17585892  9.27868908 14.30365693
  20.88630866 12.92153832  2.269351    7.38748952]
  [ 0.          0.08214317 11.23967682 32.2093987   4.0642088  24.10157113
  19.94955473  7.72183504 12.2267004   3.29940419]]
  • grid shows the grid of angles \(\{ \theta_n \}\) in degrees, where \(\Delta \theta = 18^\circ\).

  • feature vectors shows the first three feature vectors \(X^\mathrm{SBA}(1)\), \(X^\mathrm{SBA}(2)\) and \(X^\mathrm{SBA}(3)\) corresponding to the grid.